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Federal employees union sues government over lack of pay

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(CNN)A federal employee labor union is suing the US government for requiring "essential" employees to work without pay during the partial government shutdown.

The American Federation of Government Employees alleged Monday that the government is violating the Fair Labor Standards Act by forcing employees deemed essential to work without pay.

About a quarter of the government

has been affected by the shutdown, including correctional officers, Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, and transportation security officers. Across different government agencies, about 380,000 federal employees will be furloughed and 420,000 will work without pay due to the shutdown continuing into the new year.

AFGE filed the


in the US Court of Federal Claims on behalf of all essential government workers, as well as named plaintiffs Justin Tarovisky and Grayson Sharp, who work for the Bureau of Prisoners.

The union's president, J. David Cox, called the requirement that some federal employees work without pay "inhumane" in a statement Monday.

"Our nation's heroes, AFGE members and their families deserve the decency of knowing when their next paycheck is coming and that they will be paid for their work," he said, adding that many of the affected workers are veterans or law enforcement. "Our intent is to force the government and the administration to make all federal employees whole."

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday night.

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2113 days ago
Definitely making America great again, amirite?
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2 public comments
2114 days ago
Republicans love talking about sanctity of contract up until the contract holder is a worker.
Washington, District of Columbia
2114 days ago
The word for being forced to work without pay is "slavery."
New York, NY
2113 days ago
I think that congress should be forced to work without pay if there is a shutdown. Don't care that it's Christmas day or New Year's day, they have to work. And no back pay for them, it's working for free since they can't figure out how to make a budget.
2113 days ago
The problem with having a separation of powers vs having parliamentary supremacy is that since you need the pay legislation to be passed and signed (or a veto overridden), you don't want to privilege another co-equal branch of government by unilaterally disarming. Thus a tied simultaneous loss of income to legislators and political appointees of the executive would make more sense than just the one.